你們會發現這段文字確實證明了原版的格林童話 (1812 年)雖然最早以 “童話” 登場
所以才會在之後幾年有新的出版: “The first volumes were much criticized because
although they were called Children's Tales
they were not regarded as suitable for children
both for the scholarly information included and the subject matter.[1] Many changes through the editions – such as turning the wicked mother of the first edition in Snow White and Hansel and Gretel to a stepmother
were probably made with an eye to such suitability. They removed sexual references
such as Rapunzel's innocently asking why her dress was getting tight around her belly
and thus naïvely revealing her pregnancy and the prince's visits to her stepmother
in many respects
particularly when punishing villains
was increased” Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grimm's_Fairy_Tales 但是有關白雪公主的亂倫和其他即誇張的 “令人戰慄的格林童話” 的內容確實是完全由捏造的。
根據以下的資料來看似乎是大陸杭州的一間出版社所出的餿主意: “Snow White commits incest? Grimm’s Fairy Tales turned hardcore and sold in ChinaThese stories are said to be the real version of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Such a book is sold at the bestseller section in the Xinhua Bookstore. The reportercontacted the publishing house
asking which version of Grimm’s Fairy Tales the book
devoted to incest
pornographyand violence
comes from
but the publisher did not respond.A thick stack of Grimm’s Fairy Tales That Makes You Chill: The Original Version and the Prototype You’ve Never Read Of can be found on the second floor of Xinhua Bookstore in Hangzhou. The shop assistant said that this book came in mid-October. Since then
150 copies have been sold
and it has gone out of stock….” Source: http://www.ministryoftofu.com/2010/12/snow-white-commits-incest-grimms-fairy-tales-turned-hardcore-and-sold-in-china/ 總而言之